OSCAR 2015. "Birdman" este "Cel mai bun film". Eddie Redmayne şi Julianne Moore, cei mai buni actori! VIDEO

Cea de-a 87-a gala de decernare a premiilor Oscar a avut loc in noaptea de duminica spre luni, la Los Angeles. Ceremonia a fost prezentata de Neil Patrick Harris. Cel mai bun film al anului este "Birdman", de Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu. Premiul pentru cel mai bun actor intr-un rol principal a ajuns la Eddie Redmayne, pentru rolul din "The Theory of Everything", iar trofeul pentru cea mai buna actrita intr-un rol principal i-a revenit lui Julianne Moore pentru "Still Alice".

Cel mai bun film
"American Sniper", de Clint Eastwood
"Birdman", de Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
"Boyhood", de Richard Linklater
"The Grand Budapest Hotel", de Wes Anderson
"The Imitation Game", de Morten Tyldum
"Selma", de Ava DuVernay
"The Theory of Everything", de James Marsh
"Whiplash", de Damien Chazelle

Cel mai bun actor in rol principal
Steve Carell pentru rolul din "Foxcatcher"
Bradley Cooper, pentru interpretarea din "American Sniper"
Benedict Cumberbatch, pentru "The Imitation Game"
Michael Keaton, pentru "Birdman"
Eddie Redmayne, pentru "The Theory of Everything"

Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal
Marion Cotillard pentru rolul din "Deux jours, une nuit"
Felicity Jones pentru "The theory of everything"
Julianne Moore pentru "Still Alice"
Rosamund Pike pentru "Gone Girl"
Reese Witherspoon pentru "Wild"

Cea mai buna regie
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu pentru regia filmului "Birdman"
Richard Linklater, pentru "Boyhood"
Bennett Miller, pentru "Foxcatcher"
Wes Anderson, pentru "The Grand Budapest Hotel"
Morten Tyldum, pentru "The Imitation Game"

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar
Robert Duvall ("The Judge")
Ethan Hawke ("Boyhood")
Edward Norton ("Birdman")
Mark Ruffalo ("Foxcatcher")
J.K Simmons ("Whiplash")

Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar
Patricia Arquette ("Boyhood")
Laura Dern ("Wild")
Keira Knightley ("The Imitation Game")
Emma Stone ("Birdman")
Meryl Street ("Into the Woods")

Cel mai bun film strain
"Ida", de Pawel Pawlikowski (Polonia)

"Leviathan", de Andrey Zvyagintsev (Rusia)
"Tangerines", de Zaza Urushadze (Estonia)
"Timbuktu", de Abderrahmane Sissako (Mauritania)
"Wild Tales", de Damian Szifron (Argentina)

Cea mai buna regie artistica
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"

"The Imitation Game"
"Into the Woods"
"Mr. Turner"

Cel mai bun scenariu adaptat
"American Sniper" (Jason Hall)
"The Imitation Game" (Graham Moore)
"Inherent Vice" (Paul Thomas Anderson)
"The Theory of Everything" (Anthony McCarten)
"Whiplash" (Damien Chazelle)

Cel mai bun scenariu original
"Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) " (Alejandro G. Inarritu, Nicolas Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, Jr. & Armando Bo)

"Boyhood" (Richard Linklater)
"Foxcatcher" (E. Max Frye si Dan Futterman)
"The Grand Budapest Hotel" (Wes Anderson & Hugo Guinness)
"Nightcrawler" (Dan Gilroy)

Cea mai buna imagine
"Birdman" or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

"The Grand Budapest Hotel"
"Mr. Turner"

Cel mai bun montaj
"American Sniper"
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"
"The Imitation Game"

Cea mai buna coloana sonora
"The Grand Budapest Hotel" (Alexandre Desplat)

"The Imitation Game" (Alexandre Desplat)
"Interstellar" (Hans Zimmer)
"Mr. Turner" (Gary Yershon)
"The "Theory of Everything" (Johann Johannsson)

Cel mai bun cantec
"Everything Is Awesome" din "The Lego Movie"
"Glory" din "Selma"
"Grateful" din "Beyond the Lights"
"I'm Not Gonna Miss You" din "Glen Campbell...I'll Be Me"
"Lost Stars" din "Begin Again"
Cel mai bun montaj de sunet
"American Sniper"

"Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) "
"The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies"

Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet
"American Sniper"
"Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) "

Cele mai bune efecte vizuale
"Captain America: The Winter Soldier"
"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes"
"Guardians of the Galaxy"
"X-Men: Days of Future Past"

Cel mai bun machiaj/ cea mai buna coafura
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"
"Guardians of the Galaxy"

Cele mai bune costume
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"

"Inherent Vice"
"Into the Woods"
"Mr. Turner"



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